
Understanding Restlessness

The paradox of ‘sitting still’ and concentrating… A child with even the most subtle underdeveloped fine motor coordination who is asked to sit, concentrate…

Understanding Restlessness

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The paradox of ‘sitting still’ and concentrating… A child with even the most subtle underdeveloped fine motor coordination who is asked to sit, concentrate and engage with writing or other…

Understanding Restlessness

The paradox of ‘sitting still’ and concentrating… A child with even the most subtle underdeveloped fine motor coordination who is asked to sit, concentrate and engage with writing or other…

Understanding Restlessness

The paradox of ‘sitting still’ and concentrating… A child with even the most subtle underdeveloped fine motor coordination who is asked to sit, concentrate and engage with writing or other…

Understanding Restlessness

The paradox of ‘sitting still’ and concentrating… A child with even the most subtle underdeveloped fine motor coordination who is asked to sit, concentrate and engage with writing or other hand eye activities, develops a conflict, which generates tension in his body. Tension by nature needs to discharge itself by…

The Profound Change When Willpower is Accessed

When a child struggles to make an effort, to push himself, convinced that there is too much to do, he may be quick to give up when faced with a challenge. Most children with poor access to their willpower also find it difficult to tolerate frustration, hold back impulsivity, lack…

Understanding Restlessness

The paradox of ‘sitting still’ and concentrating… A child with even the most subtle underdeveloped fine motor coordination who is asked to sit, concentrate and engage with writing or other hand eye activities, develops a conflict, which generates tension in his body. Tension by nature needs to discharge itself by movement, leading to fidgeting. When fidgeting is noticed by a teacher, the child is asked to ‘sit still’ and concentrate.

What’s happening in the body?

It is a fact that the reflex of temporarily reducing the intake of oxygen helps to facilitate accurate fine motor activities, (i.e. threading a needle, putting a nail in a wall, opening a door, or cutting vegetables). However, in the body of a child with underdeveloped fine motor coordination it is almost impossible to maintain the flow of breathing whilst engaging in a hand eye activity. As a result, a low flow of oxygen to the body whilst, for example, writing consistently for 15 minutes creates a condition called “oxygen starvation”. The brain then needs to decide whether to respond to its social needs (be loved/accepted) and try to continue (writing for example), or simply find ways to get more oxygen. In such a situation, it is most likely that the survival part of the brain will take charge, sending a message to the limbs to start to move (fidget).

Whilst in motion, the receptors in the big joints of the legs and hands send signals to the diaphragm to descend, in return, a vacuum is created forcing air to come in. Paradoxically, the child is then asked again to sit still and concentrate. Trying to answer his social needs, the child will try again to ‘sit still’ and do his work, but after a while his concentration is compromised again due to simple lack of oxygen… In the C.Q program children are taught not only how to develop their fine motor coordination, but also to integrate and regulate the breathing mechanism whilst engaging with hand eye coordination activities.

© Myrom Kahaner

The Profound Change When Willpower is Accessed

When a child struggles to make an effort, to push himself, convinced that there is too much to do, he may be quick to give up when faced with a challenge. Most children with poor access to their willpower also find it difficult to tolerate frustration, hold back impulsivity, lack self belief and appear to be unhappy. Not being able to face a challenge holds children back. It prevents them from performing as well as they could on many levels. In most circumstances it is reflected in their poor performance of physical exercise. The C.Q program helps the child to grow out of his habitual position via static and dynamic power exercises. In weekly sessions the child is asked to increase the amount of time spent on each exercise. This process results in the child overcoming the experience of two very strong feelings, which in most circumstances are the main reason as to why the child stops when faced with a challenge;

The first is a feeling of self- pity (‘poor me’), a legitimate feeling to experience and easy to relate to, especially when one is unwell. However, when a child is well and runs into a challenge, this feeling helps the child to stop making any effort and thus prevents him from doing more. The second feeling, is fear, fear from the unknown, again, a legitimate feeling to experience, when facing something new. However, it can prevent a child from continuing. Learning not to stop when the exercise gets hard changes the child’s perception of himself.

A child on the CQ program doing regular static and dynamic exercises will feel the intensity of both feelings mentioned above, developing in just a few minutes. With time, the child starts to realise that he is doing the exercise longer or differently from how he has done in a previous session. It is at this stage the child needs to make a choice whether to continue, or let the feeling overwhelm him and therefore stop. In both circumstances, the child do not experience pain, which is damaging his body, but he feels the intensity of working his muscles. Consequently, when persevering, the child learns that he can make a choice as to how he would like to relate to his feelings; stop the exercise or acknowledge his feeling and carry on.

On the C.Q program the child is encouraged over and over again to stretch the boundary of what he thinks his ability is, discovering that he can do much more than he originally thought he could do.

How does it help?

Once children are able to push themselves, they can transform attitude to academic studies and get physically stronger, I have found that most children show clear transformation in their self-belief of what they can or can’t do in various areas in their life. They also feel more confident and radiate confidence, which has a positive impact on their self-esteem and social life. In addition, they might also show signs of maturity.

© Myrom Kahaner

Understanding Restlessness

The paradox of ‘sitting still’ and concentrating… A child with even the most subtle underdeveloped fine motor coordination who is…

Is my child improving?

It is one thing to start the therapy process, but another to learn to trust it. Most parents are clearly…

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My son has a myriad of issues including dyspraxia possible dyslexia auditory processing and coordination difficulties. I was in despair when someone recommended Myrom who had transformed not only her little boy’s life but hers too. I called him whilst my son was in Reception.

Myrom did an assessment and started sessions with my son twice a week at school. He gave my son confidence and a real boost to his self esteem which is vital in the hussle and bustle of the playground. He helped him with his football and taught him how to ride a bike. He is now teaching our son how to skate board.

My son feels like he is a champion at writing and press ups. Myrom has given him 2 cups for his hard work and has involved the whole class in congratulating my son on his progress. Myrom and my son are working on improving my son’s coordination and spatial awareness. I cannot say strongly enough how much Myrom has improved my son’s quality of life.

Parent Feedback

Our five year old son has had weekly sessions with Myrom Kahaner for the past four months. He almost instantly developed a strong bond with Myrom and waits for each session with great anticipation and excitement. In a very short time we saw a big improvement in his motor skills, self esteem and confidence.

Myrom uses a “hands on” approach and physically encourages and guides our son to overcome his difficulties and perform the given tasks. We are amazed at the speed of his progress and constantly astonished at his new found skills.

We highly recommend Myrom’s warm, nurturing and professional skills in helping children overcome their short comings. We have seen our little boy become so much happier, and this obviously reflects on the whole family, since Myrom came into our lives.

Sam’s Mum

We have been delighted with all the work Myrom has done with Sam. He has enabled Sam to develop physically as well as improving his social skills and confidence. Sam is extremely fond of Myrom and we all appreciate his measured opinions and invaluable input into all of our lives. When we look at Sam now and see all that he has achieved both physically and socially we are delighted that the hard work that Myrom put in (along with our own and of course our son’s!) was well worth it.

I cannot recommend Myrom hilghly enough and genuinely believe that he has an innate understanding of how children perceive the world and how best they will be able to fulfill their potential and maintain their high self esteem.

Parent Feedback

My son has a myriad of issues including dyspraxia possible dyslexia auditory processing and coordination difficulties. I was in despair when someone recommended Myrom who had transformed not only her little boy’s life but hers too. I called him whilst my son was in Reception.

Myrom did an assessment and started sessions with my son twice a week at school. He gave my son confidence and a real boost to his self esteem which is vital in the hussle and bustle of the playground. He helped him with his football and taught him how to ride a bike. He is now teaching our son how to skate board.

My son feels like he is a champion at writing and press ups. Myrom has given him 2 cups for his hard work and has involved the whole class in congratulating my son on his progress. Myrom and my son are working on improving my son’s coordination and spatial awareness. I cannot say strongly enough how much Myrom has improved my son’s quality of life.

Parent Feedback

Our five year old son has had weekly sessions with Myrom Kahaner for the past four months. He almost instantly developed a strong bond with Myrom and waits for each session with great anticipation and excitement. In a very short time we saw a big improvement in his motor skills, self esteem and confidence.

Myrom uses a “hands on” approach and physically encourages and guides our son to overcome his difficulties and perform the given tasks. We are amazed at the speed of his progress and constantly astonished at his new found skills.

We highly recommend Myrom’s warm, nurturing and professional skills in helping children overcome their short comings. We have seen our little boy become so much happier, and this obviously reflects on the whole family, since Myrom came into our lives.

Sam’s Mum

We have been delighted with all the work Myrom has done with Sam. He has enabled Sam to develop physically as well as improving his social skills and confidence. Sam is extremely fond of Myrom and we all appreciate his measured opinions and invaluable input into all of our lives. When we look at Sam now and see all that he has achieved both physically and socially we are delighted that the hard work that Myrom put in (along with our own and of course our son’s!) was well worth it.

I cannot recommend Myrom hilghly enough and genuinely believe that he has an innate understanding of how children perceive the world and how best they will be able to fulfill their potential and maintain their high self esteem.

Parent Feedback

My son has a myriad of issues including dyspraxia possible dyslexia auditory processing and coordination difficulties. I was in despair when someone recommended Myrom who had transformed not only her little boy’s life but hers too. I called him whilst my son was in Reception.

Myrom did an assessment and started sessions with my son twice a week at school. He gave my son confidence and a real boost to his self esteem which is vital in the hussle and bustle of the playground. He helped him with his football and taught him how to ride a bike. He is now teaching our son how to skate board.

My son feels like he is a champion at writing and press ups. Myrom has given him 2 cups for his hard work and has involved the whole class in congratulating my son on his progress. Myrom and my son are working on improving my son’s coordination and spatial awareness. I cannot say strongly enough how much Myrom has improved my son’s quality of life.

Parent Feedback

Our five year old son has had weekly sessions with Myrom Kahaner for the past four months. He almost instantly developed a strong bond with Myrom and waits for each session with great anticipation and excitement. In a very short time we saw a big improvement in his motor skills, self esteem and confidence.

Myrom uses a “hands on” approach and physically encourages and guides our son to overcome his difficulties and perform the given tasks. We are amazed at the speed of his progress and constantly astonished at his new found skills.

We highly recommend Myrom’s warm, nurturing and professional skills in helping children overcome their short comings. We have seen our little boy become so much happier, and this obviously reflects on the whole family, since Myrom came into our lives.

Sam’s Mum

We have been delighted with all the work Myrom has done with Sam. He has enabled Sam to develop physically as well as improving his social skills and confidence. Sam is extremely fond of Myrom and we all appreciate his measured opinions and invaluable input into all of our lives. When we look at Sam now and see all that he has achieved both physically and socially we are delighted that the hard work that Myrom put in (along with our own and of course our son’s!) was well worth it.

I cannot recommend Myrom hilghly enough and genuinely believe that he has an innate understanding of how children perceive the world and how best they will be able to fulfill their potential and maintain their high self esteem.

Parent Feedback

My son has a myriad of issues including dyspraxia possible dyslexia auditory processing and coordination difficulties. I was in despair when someone recommended Myrom who had transformed not only her little boy’s life but hers too. I called him whilst my son was in Reception.

Myrom did an assessment and started sessions with my son twice a week at school. He gave my son confidence and a real boost to his self esteem which is vital in the hussle and bustle of the playground. He helped him with his football and taught him how to ride a bike. He is now teaching our son how to skate board.

My son feels like he is a champion at writing and press ups. Myrom has given him 2 cups for his hard work and has involved the whole class in congratulating my son on his progress. Myrom and my son are working on improving my son’s coordination and spatial awareness. I cannot say strongly enough how much Myrom has improved my son’s quality of life.

Parent Feedback

Our five year old son has had weekly sessions with Myrom Kahaner for the past four months. He almost instantly developed a strong bond with Myrom and waits for each session with great anticipation and excitement. In a very short time we saw a big improvement in his motor skills, self esteem and confidence.

Myrom uses a “hands on” approach and physically encourages and guides our son to overcome his difficulties and perform the given tasks. We are amazed at the speed of his progress and constantly astonished at his new found skills.

We highly recommend Myrom’s warm, nurturing and professional skills in helping children overcome their short comings. We have seen our little boy become so much happier, and this obviously reflects on the whole family, since Myrom came into our lives.

Sam’s Mum

We have been delighted with all the work Myrom has done with Sam. He has enabled Sam to develop physically as well as improving his social skills and confidence. Sam is extremely fond of Myrom and we all appreciate his measured opinions and invaluable input into all of our lives. When we look at Sam now and see all that he has achieved both physically and socially we are delighted that the hard work that Myrom put in (along with our own and of course our son’s!) was well worth it.

I cannot recommend Myrom hilghly enough and genuinely believe that he has an innate understanding of how children perceive the world and how best they will be able to fulfill their potential and maintain their high self esteem.

Parent Feedback

My son has a myriad of issues including dyspraxia possible dyslexia auditory processing and coordination difficulties. I was in despair when someone recommended Myrom who had transformed not only her little boy’s life but hers too. I called him whilst my son was in Reception.

Myrom did an assessment and started sessions with my son twice a week at school. He gave my son confidence and a real boost to his self esteem which is vital in the hussle and bustle of the playground. He helped him with his football and taught him how to ride a bike. He is now teaching our son how to skate board.

My son feels like he is a champion at writing and press ups. Myrom has given him 2 cups for his hard work and has involved the whole class in congratulating my son on his progress. Myrom and my son are working on improving my son’s coordination and spatial awareness. I cannot say strongly enough how much Myrom has improved my son’s quality of life.

Parent Feedback

Our five year old son has had weekly sessions with Myrom Kahaner for the past four months. He almost instantly developed a strong bond with Myrom and waits for each session with great anticipation and excitement. In a very short time we saw a big improvement in his motor skills, self esteem and confidence.

Myrom uses a “hands on” approach and physically encourages and guides our son to overcome his difficulties and perform the given tasks. We are amazed at the speed of his progress and constantly astonished at his new found skills.

We highly recommend Myrom’s warm, nurturing and professional skills in helping children overcome their short comings. We have seen our little boy become so much happier, and this obviously reflects on the whole family, since Myrom came into our lives.

Sam’s Mum

We have been delighted with all the work Myrom has done with Sam. He has enabled Sam to develop physically as well as improving his social skills and confidence. Sam is extremely fond of Myrom and we all appreciate his measured opinions and invaluable input into all of our lives. When we look at Sam now and see all that he has achieved both physically and socially we are delighted that the hard work that Myrom put in (along with our own and of course our son’s!) was well worth it.

I cannot recommend Myrom hilghly enough and genuinely believe that he has an innate understanding of how children perceive the world and how best they will be able to fulfill their potential and maintain their high self esteem.

Parent Feedback

My son has a myriad of issues including dyspraxia possible dyslexia auditory processing and coordination difficulties. I was in despair when someone recommended Myrom who had transformed not only her little boy’s life but hers too. I called him whilst my son was in Reception.

Myrom did an assessment and started sessions with my son twice a week at school. He gave my son confidence and a real boost to his self esteem which is vital in the hussle and bustle of the playground. He helped him with his football and taught him how to ride a bike. He is now teaching our son how to skate board.

My son feels like he is a champion at writing and press ups. Myrom has given him 2 cups for his hard work and has involved the whole class in congratulating my son on his progress. Myrom and my son are working on improving my son’s coordination and spatial awareness. I cannot say strongly enough how much Myrom has improved my son’s quality of life.

Parent Feedback

Our five year old son has had weekly sessions with Myrom Kahaner for the past four months. He almost instantly developed a strong bond with Myrom and waits for each session with great anticipation and excitement. In a very short time we saw a big improvement in his motor skills, self esteem and confidence.

Myrom uses a “hands on” approach and physically encourages and guides our son to overcome his difficulties and perform the given tasks. We are amazed at the speed of his progress and constantly astonished at his new found skills.

We highly recommend Myrom’s warm, nurturing and professional skills in helping children overcome their short comings. We have seen our little boy become so much happier, and this obviously reflects on the whole family, since Myrom came into our lives.

Sam’s Mum

We have been delighted with all the work Myrom has done with Sam. He has enabled Sam to develop physically as well as improving his social skills and confidence. Sam is extremely fond of Myrom and we all appreciate his measured opinions and invaluable input into all of our lives. When we look at Sam now and see all that he has achieved both physically and socially we are delighted that the hard work that Myrom put in (along with our own and of course our son’s!) was well worth it.

I cannot recommend Myrom hilghly enough and genuinely believe that he has an innate understanding of how children perceive the world and how best they will be able to fulfill their potential and maintain their high self esteem.

Parent Feedback
